General Pest Control

The Best Pest Control Services in Las Vegas

Pests around your home or business are a nuisance and, in some cases, can cause expensive damage. Rodents can chew wires and make nests in your closets or mattresses while cockroaches can be found skittering across bathroom floors or countertops.

Pest infestations are stressful situations that can leave you at a loss of what to do. Regardless of the type of pest, hiring the best pest control service can rid your property of whichever pest is trying to invade. Pest control professionals with experience and the best reputation can give you the assurance that you have hired the right company.


The value of experience when it comes to any job is certainly high. But when it comes to getting the best pest control services, understanding the habits and preferred environments of several different types of pests and eliminating infestations quickly comes with years of experience. 

By serving communities in the Las Vegas area, pest professionals develop the experience of where and how to search for pests in similar properties and which methods are the best way to eliminate different types of common pests.


Las Vegas is full of pests. Insects and rodents thrive in highly populated areas because they often provide shelter and food for them. Pest control services offered in Las Vegas treat your home or business for pests such as:

  • Bed Bugs
  • Ants
  • Scorpions
  • Mosquitoes
  • Spiders
  • Cockroaches
  • Pigeons and other birds
  • Rodents

If you have a commercial property and need pest control to stay in business, the best control service treats properties such as:

  • Warehouses
  • Schools
  • Casinos
  • Hotels and Motels
  • Restaurants

Inspection of property

If you have seen any of the above pests scurrying around your home or buzzing around your property, hiring the best pest control company in Las Vegas will eliminate the problem before it gets out of hand.

When choosing the best pest control service, you want a company that pays close attention to detail. After a thorough evaluation of cracks, holes, and tears that serve as potential entrances for pests, the best pest control companies]will address these breeches and take extra care to eliminate these areas so the pest won’t just walk back into your home, business, or restaurant.

Best Pest Professionals

If you are a Las Vegas resident or business owner, particularly in the Summerlin or Henderson areas, our team at Pest Raiders is ready to clear out your home or commercial property of a number of annoying and damaging pests. Just like our buzzing city, we are ready to go 24 hours a day. So no matter what kind of pest emergency you have, we can eliminate it quickly, so you can get back to normal life.

Commercial Pest Control

Las Vegas Commercial Pest Control Company

Las Vegas is a tourist destination and any commercial property can have lots of traffic walking past their doors. Getting that traffic to enter your establishment means providing some basic curb appeal to get customers to come inside. One key component to attracting customers and keeping them coming back is to be on top of any pest issues that are common among commercial properties. Hiring the best Las Vegas pest control company means regular inspections, thorough treatments, and personalized considerations that fit your business and your needs.

Building strong business relationships

If you have a business in Las Vegas, a pest control company that outshines other pest services will go the extra mile to grow a strong business relationship with their clients. Pest control is not a one time deal, especially in a highly populated city like Las Vegas. Businesses need reliable, consistent pest control to guarantee that they never have to suffer the embarrassment of having a mouse or cockroach startle a customer.

Restaurants produce lots of food and food waste, which are huge magnets for pests. But pests will drive business away quicker than anything else. For commercial properties that handle food, quarterly or bi-monthly pest inspections have to happen. If you feel confident in the pest service that you have partnered with to keep your Las Vegas restaurant up and running, you have one less thing to worry about.

What to look for in a pest control company

If you are ready to have a pest control company come alongside your business, there are a few things to consider to help you narrow down who to hire.

Communication: Communication is key to any healthy relationship. Your business relies on thorough pest control and getting in touch with your technician or being able to easily schedule an inspection goes a long way. The best pest control company will bring their A game when it comes to communication with their customers.

License: To operate legally in Las Vegas, pest control companies must obtain the appropriate licenses and certifications. The licensing process typically involves meeting specific requirements, such as completing training programs, passing exams, and demonstrating knowledge of pest control practices and safety protocols. Be sure that  whichever company you hire for your commercial pest control needs is appropriately licensed.

Experienced technicians: The technician that walks through your doors is representing their pest control company. The amount of experience that each pest control technician has will make a big difference in your establishment. Knowledgeable technicians will immediately begin looking for entry points, investigating high traffic places for pests, and treating your business for pests so that they are eliminated while you, your staff, and your customers are safe from any pesticides.

For commercial property owners and managers in Las Vegas, give our team at Pest Raiders a call today.

Commercial Pest Control

Pest Control for Commercial Properties in Las Vegas

Pests show up unannounced and at the most inconvenient times. If you own a commercial property in Las Vegas, NV, any time is the wrong time to see a pest can scamper across the floor of your business. Rodents, cockroaches, or pigeons can all become quite the nuisance when you are trying to entice customers into your store. 

Why do commercial properties need the best pest control?

Pest control for commercial properties is not one size fits all. Every business requires different considerations to get rid of pests. In addition to these considerations, many different kinds of pests can plague your business.  If you do not know where to look for activity or damage,  an infestation can take over your business quite quickly .

Once you realize you have a pest problem, you are already losing business. Your business can get a negative reputation after one pest is seen creeping around your property.  This costs you and your employees money now and later while you build back your reputation to your customers. Pest control is serious business and, if you are in Las Vegas, you want to be sure you pick the best professional pest control company who cares about your business so you can keep your doors open to the customers that rely on you.

Hire experienced pest control services

Treating pests in Las Vegas looks different than it does in New York City or Houston, Tx. Knowing the types of pests and building structures of businesses unique to your area gives experienced pest control technicians the upperhand in eliminating your pest control problems.

Whether you are trying to keep a casino or restaurant free from pests, the right pest control service will keep you in business by eliminating every last pest on the premises.

Regular pest inspections

To avoid having a customer spot a pest in your business, schedule regular pest inspections during the time that your doors are normally closed. You can have your business inspected and treated for pests without losing any of your regular open hours.

Whether you need pest control for a school or other government building, hotel, casino, restaurant, or warehouse, finding a pest control service that is committed to discreetly and thoroughly getting rid of any insect or rodent that is infesting your business is who you want on your team.

In Las Vegas, NV, give our team at Pest Raiders a call today. We want to help your Las Vegas business be as successful as possible by eliminating every last pest for your commercial property. Our experienced technicians are well trained and stay up to date on the latest methods of pest control. With Pest Raiders, your business will be pest free.

General Pest Control

Pest Control Experts in Summerlin, NV

Living in Summerlin, NV, can be a paradise for many with its warm climate and plethora of outdoor activities. Unfortunately, that warm climate also means an increase in pest activity. Whether you’re dealing with ants, cockroaches, or rodents, effective pest control is essential to protect your home and family from the threat of pests. To ensure you get the best possible service, find a reputable pest control professional in Summerlin that can provide reliable results.

Research: Check Reviews and References

Finding excellent pest control can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time. One of the best ways to find the right pest control company is to research. Check reviews and references from friends, family, and neighbors who have used a particular service. You can also look up customer reviews online to get an idea of what other customers thought about a specific service or product. Additionally, talk to local businesses that may have had experience with various pest control companies before making a decision. Ask them about their experiences with the different services they’ve used, and make sure you listen carefully for any red flags. This way, you can ensure you get quality services from reputable companies that will provide lasting results.

Experience: Look for Expertise

When it comes to pest control, you want an experienced company. Pests can cause damage to your home or business and need to be controlled quickly and efficiently. The best pest control company should have experience in the industry and a good reputation within the community.

Experience in pest control matters because the technicians know how to identify different pests and their habits and behaviors correctly. This knowledge helps them determine what type of treatment is needed for each situation, ensuring that any infestations are quickly contained. Additionally, they should have up-to-date knowledge on safe methods for treating different pests, ensuring that no harm comes to your family or pets during the process.

Knowledge: Ask About Methods and Solutions

When searching for a pest control company, it is crucial to consider their extermination methods. This is because the wrong approach could lead to ineffective pest control or potential damage to the environment and health of your family. Before hiring a pest control company, ask them questions about their methods and how they plan to get rid of the pests in your home. Some companies may use chemical-based solutions, while others prefer more natural treatments such as traps and baits. Make sure that whatever method they choose is safe for your children, pets, and environment before agreeing to hire them.

Cost: Compare Prices & Services

When dealing with pesky pests, finding the best pest control company for your needs is vital. Price and services should not be the only factors taken into consideration when selecting a pest control company, but they do matter for many families. Comparing prices from multiple companies is an effective way to find the best deal. It’s also important to consider what type of services each company offers. For example, some companies may offer specialized treatments, while others may provide more general services. Understanding what you need before searching for a pest control company can help narrow down your choices and ensure you get the best service at an affordable price.

In conclusion, finding the best choice for pest control in Summerlin can be challenging, but Pest Raiders stands out from the competition for its expertise and reliable customer service. They’ve earned a reputation as an industry leader, and countless families and businesses have trusted them across the city. Pest Raiders is the perfect choice for all your pest control needs – so take the stress out of finding reliable experts and hire them today!

General Pest Control

The Best Pest Control Company in Las Vegas

Las Vegas is a bustling city filled with tourists and locals alike, but it’s also home to some unwelcome guests – pests! Finding the right pest control company for your needs in Las Vegas can be overwhelming due to the sheer number of companies available. But not to worry; this article will provide tips and tricks for finding excellent pest experts to help you out!

Step 1: Research Companies

Finding the best pest control company can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Researching potential companies is essential in ensuring you select the right one. The first step in researching companies is to see if they are licensed and insured. Confirming they have coverage for any potential damages due to their work is crucial. Don’t hesitate to ask the company for references or testimonials from past clients. Also, read over the contract carefully before signing off on it; this will help ensure an agreement that works for both parties and outlines what services are included in your plan.

Step 2: Check Reviews

When it comes to finding the best pest control company, reviews can give potential customers a good sense of what they can expect. No two companies are exactly alike, and reviews can help people make the right decision for their needs. The best place to begin your search is by reading online reviews from current and former customers.

The internet is full of ratings and reviews for local businesses, including pest control companies. Prospective customers should look through these to understand a company’s services, customer service quality, pricing structures, and results achieved. Reviews should also include details about how long the company has been in business and whether it is appropriately licensed and insured. All this information will help people choose a reputable provider.

Step 3: Ask for Estimates

Seeking out estimates from pest control companies is one of the most practical and effective ways to narrow your search and find the right fit. The first step in asking for estimates is determining which services you need and want. This includes identifying what pests are present or expected to make an appearance and which areas of your home or business require treatment. After this research has been conducted, you should contact multiple companies specializing in the type of service needed. When talking with potential providers, discuss the scope of work required so they can deliver an accurate estimate.

Step 4: Discuss Methods

Research the company’s methods and techniques. Look for companies that use environmentally friendly products and proven methods such as baiting, trapping, and exclusion services. Ask about additional services they may offer, such as termite treatments or deep cleaning services. Make sure they are up-to-date on all safety protocols so that your family and pets remain safe while they work. Also, find out what kind of experience the company has in dealing with different types of pests, such as bed bugs, rodents, birds, insects, and other small animals.

In conclusion, if you are looking for an excellent pest control company in Las Vegas, check out Pest Raiders. Their professional team of exterminators has plenty of experience. In addition, Pest Raiders is up to date with the most advanced treatments and techniques, so you can trust that your home or business will be protected from creepy crawlers!

General Pest Control

Best Pest Control Company in Summerlin, NV

Pest control is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy and safe environment in both residential and commercial properties. Many pest control companies are available, each offering a range of services and treatment options. Choosing the best pest control company can be a difficult task. Still, following a few simple guidelines ensures that you are working with a reputable and effective service provider.

Licensed and Insured

Look for a company that is licensed and insured. Pest control companies are required to be licensed by the state in which they operate, and this license serves as a measure of their competency and knowledge. In addition, a company that is insured will provide protection against any damage that may occur as a result of its services.


Research the company’s reputation. Look for reviews and testimonials from past clients, and try to understand the company’s level of experience and expertise. A reputable pest control company should have a good track record of successfully treating a variety of pests.


Determine the company’s treatment methods. Different pest control companies may use different treatment methods and chemicals, so it is crucial to understand what methods will be used in your specific case. For example, some companies use only eco-friendly and natural methods, while others use more traditional and chemical treatments.


Consider the company’s availability and responsiveness. In the event of a pest infestation, timing is critical. Therefore, you want to work with a company that can provide timely service and is responsive to your needs.


Take into account the cost of the service. Compare prices from different companies and make sure that the cost is reasonable for the type of service offered. Be aware of any hidden costs, such as additional charges for travel or chemical treatments.

By following these guidelines, you can select a pest control company that is well-suited to your needs and will provide effective treatment for your specific pest problem.

Questions To Ask A Pest Control Company

When it comes to choosing a pest control company, there are many important questions to ask before committing. Customers should get the answers they need to make an informed decision. Here are ten questions you may want to ask when looking for the best pest control company in Summerlin, NV.

  • With what type of pests do you have experience?
  • What type of treatment do you provide?
  • Do you have any eco-friendly options?
  • Do you use integrated pest management (IPM) methods that focus on prevention instead of simply treating existing infestations?
  • How often will services be needed?
  • Which specific areas will be treated, and do we need to evacuate? What about pets and plants?
  • What kind of products and chemicals are used?
  • Does your company have special safety precautions?
  • Do you require your employees to be trained?
  • What warranties or guarantees for services are provided?

In conclusion, if you are looking for the best pest control company in Summerlin, NV, look no further than The Pest Raiders. They offer an extensive range of services, including the extermination and prevention of common pests. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and their reliable staff has made them a trusted provider in the community. Undoutabtly, The Pest Raiders is the top choice for all your pest control needs.