
Can I Get Rid of a Scorpion Problem on My Own?

Living in Las Vegas, encountering scorpions can be a common occurrence due to the city’s desert surroundings. If you find these arachnids in your home, you may wonder if it’s possible to tackle the issue by yourself. While there are steps you can take to mitigate a scorpion problem, fully resolving an infestation often requires professional assistance.

The Challenge of DIY Scorpion Control

Scorpions are resilient creatures that can survive in harsh conditions and are difficult to eradicate. DIY methods may provide temporary relief but typically fall short of addressing the root cause of an infestation. Here are some reasons why self-removal can be challenging:

  • Scorpions are elusive: They can hide in places that are hard to reach or see, such as cracks, crevices, and dark corners.
  • Home remedies are limited: While some home remedies may deter scorpions, they are unlikely to eliminate an established infestation.
  • Scorpions can be dangerous: Some species, like the bark scorpion, are venomous and can pose a risk to you and your family if mishandled.

DIY Steps to Reduce Scorpion Presence

If you’re dealing with occasional scorpions and want to take immediate action, here are some steps you can take:

  • Seal Entrances: Check for gaps around doors, windows, and foundations, and seal them to prevent scorpions from entering.
  • Remove Shelter: Scorpions seek out shelter in debris, logs, and stones. Clearing these from around your property can reduce hiding spots.
  • Use Glue Traps: Place glue traps in areas where you’ve seen scorpions. This can help reduce the population and indicate problem areas.
  • Eliminate Food Sources: Reducing the insect population in your home will make it less attractive to scorpions, who prey on them.

When to Call in the Professionals

For a lasting solution, especially if you notice scorpions regularly or suspect an infestation, professional pest control is the most effective route. Here’s what professionals can offer:

  • Expertise and Experience: Pest control technicians are trained to identify scorpion species, understand their habits, and know the safest and most effective removal methods.
  • Comprehensive Inspection: Professionals can conduct a thorough inspection to identify all potential scorpion habitats and entry points.
  • Tailored Treatment Plans: Pest control services can create a customized plan that targets scorpions specifically and addresses the unique challenges of your home.
  • Long-term Prevention: Beyond immediate removal, professionals can offer solutions and advice for ongoing scorpion prevention.

Pest Raiders: Your Partner in Scorpion Control

At Pest Raiders, we understand the local scorpion species and how to effectively manage them. Our comprehensive scorpion control services include:

  • In-depth Property Assessment: We inspect your home to identify scorpion hotspots and potential risks.
  • Customized Scorpion Elimination Strategies: We develop a personalized plan that uses the latest techniques and products for maximum effectiveness.
  • Safe Treatments: Our treatments are safe for both your family and pets, giving you peace of mind.
  • Prevention Tips: We provide expert advice on how to keep your home scorpion-free in the future.

Why Professional Scorpion Control is Worth It

While it’s possible to take measures against scorpions yourself, professional pest control services offer a level of effectiveness and safety that DIY methods can’t match. Here are a few reasons to consider professional scorpion control:

  • Safety: Professionals have the right equipment and knowledge to handle scorpions without risking stings.
  • Efficiency: Pest control experts can quickly identify and resolve scorpion issues, saving you time and hassle.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your home has been treated by professionals can provide comfort and reassurance.

Don’t let scorpions take over your Las Vegas home. If you’re facing a scorpion problem, contact Pest Raiders for a consultation. We’re ready to assess your situation and provide you with a scorpion-free living space.

Visit our website or call us to learn more about our services and how we can help you with your scorpion concerns.


What Should I Do If I See a Scorpion in My Summerlin Home?

Encountering a scorpion in the comfort of your Summerlin home can be an unsettling experience. In Las Vegas and surrounding communities, scorpions are a common pest, and knowing how to respond to a sighting can help you manage the situation safely and effectively.

Stay Calm and Avoid Contact

The first and foremost step is to remain calm. Scorpions, particularly the bark scorpion, which is common in the Las Vegas area, can deliver a painful sting that, while rarely life-threatening, can be dangerous to children, the elderly, or those with allergies. It’s important to keep a safe distance and avoid handling the scorpion.

Immediate Actions to Take

  • Isolate the Scorpion: If you can do so safely, contain the scorpion by placing a glass jar or container over it and sliding a piece of cardboard underneath to trap it.
  • Keep Pets and Children Away: Ensure that pets and children are kept out of the room where the scorpion was found to prevent accidental stings.
  • Contact Pest Control: Reach out to a professional pest control company like Pest Raiders for prompt removal and inspection of your home.

Understanding Scorpions in Summerlin

Summerlin’s desert landscape is an ideal habitat for scorpions. They are drawn to cool, moist areas and may enter homes seeking shelter and water. Scorpions are nocturnal, so sightings are more likely to occur at night. Understanding these habits can aid in prevention.

Why Professional Scorpion Control is Essential

While DIY methods may provide a temporary solution, professional pest control services are critical for long-term scorpion management. Here’s why:

  • Expertise: Professionals are trained to handle scorpions safely and have the expertise to identify different species and their behavior.
  • Inspection and Identification: A thorough inspection can reveal hidden scorpions and their nests, which is crucial for effective treatment.
  • Customized Solutions: Pest control experts can develop a tailored plan that addresses the specific scorpion issue in your home, including sealing entry points and removing scorpion attractants.
  • Preventative Measures: Professionals can provide advice and treatments to prevent future scorpion invasions.

Pest Raiders: Your Scorpion Solution in Summerlin

Pest Raiders is equipped to handle scorpion concerns in your Summerlin home. Our approach includes:

  • Thorough Inspection: We conduct a detailed examination of your property, both inside and out, to assess the extent of the scorpion problem.
  • Treatment Plan: Based on our findings, we’ll devise a treatment strategy using safe and effective methods to eliminate scorpions and deter future intrusions.
  • Follow-Up: Our service includes follow-up visits to ensure that the scorpion issue is resolved and to make any necessary adjustments to our strategy.
  • Education and Prevention: We provide valuable information on how to keep your home less inviting to scorpions, reducing the likelihood of future encounters.

Preventative Tips for Scorpion Control

  • Seal Entry Points: Ensure that windows, doors, and walls are sealed to prevent scorpions from entering your home.
  • Eliminate Moisture: Fix leaky faucets and pipes and use a dehumidifier to reduce indoor moisture that attracts scorpions.
  • Clear Yard Debris: Remove piles of wood, rocks, and other debris from your yard where scorpions may find shelter.
  • Professional Landscaping Advice: Seek guidance on landscaping that can help deter scorpions, such as choosing plants that don’t attract them.

If you see a scorpion in your Summerlin home, don’t try to tackle the problem alone. Contact Pest Raiders for a swift and safe resolution. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your home is a no-go zone for scorpions, allowing you to live comfortably and without fear of these stinging pests.

Visit our website or call us directly to schedule an inspection. Let us take the sting out of scorpion control and give you back the peace of mind you deserve.


What Months Are Scorpions Most Active?

Scorpions are a common concern for many residents in Las Vegas and the surrounding areas. These ancient arachnids are not only unsettling to encounter but can also pose a risk with their venomous stings. Understanding when scorpions are most active is crucial for Las Vegas homeowners looking to protect their homes and families.

Scorpion Seasonality in Las Vegas

Scorpions are typically most active during the warmer months. In Las Vegas, this usually means that scorpion activity ramps up in the late spring and peaks during the summer months, particularly from May to September. During this period, scorpions are actively hunting for food and mates, which often brings them into closer contact with humans.

Why Scorpion Activity Increases in Warmth

The rise in temperature during these months in Las Vegas doesn’t just bring tourists; it also stirs scorpions from their hibernation-like state known as diapause. The heat enables them to be more active and increases their metabolic rate, which drives them to hunt more aggressively.

The Nighttime Hunters

Scorpions are nocturnal creatures, so even during their active months, they are most likely to be seen and encountered during the night. They emerge from their hiding places to hunt for insects, which are their primary food source. During the day, they prefer to hide under rocks, in crevices, or within the walls of homes to stay cool and conserve moisture.

Scorpion-Proofing Your Home

Knowing that scorpions are most active at certain times of the year, there are steps homeowners can take to minimize the risk of infestation:

  • Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for cracks and crevices, and seal any openings. Scorpions can enter through incredibly small spaces.
  • Remove Debris: Clear away debris, piles of rocks, or wood from around your property, as these can be attractive hiding spots for scorpions.
  • Manage Your Yard: Keep grass trimmed and bushes well maintained to reduce the habitat for scorpions and their prey.
  • Use Scorpion Deterrents: Consider using yellow outdoor lighting, which is less attractive to the insects that scorpions feed on.

Professional Scorpion Control Services

While taking preventative measures can help, sometimes professional pest control services are necessary to manage a scorpion problem effectively. A professional pest control company can offer:

  • Expert Inspections: Professionals can identify scorpion hotspots and potential entry points around your home.
  • Tailored Treatments: Based on the inspection, pest control experts can create a customized treatment plan to target scorpions specifically.
  • Preventative Strategies: Pest control services can offer ongoing protection to keep scorpions at bay throughout their active months.

The Las Vegas Scorpion Control Experts

Pest Raiders, a premier pest control company in Las Vegas, understands the behaviors and peak activity times of local scorpion species. Our experienced technicians are adept at scorpion-proofing homes and businesses, offering peace of mind to residents throughout the scorpion season.

What Pest Raiders Can Do For You

  • Thorough Property Assessment: We evaluate both the interior and exterior of your property to understand the scope of the issue.
  • Customized Scorpion Elimination Plans: We develop strategies that are specifically designed to address the scorpion activity in and around your home.
  • Safe and Effective Treatments: Our methods are safe for your family and pets while being effective against scorpions.
  • Prevention Education: We provide valuable tips and education to help you reduce the chances of future scorpion encounters.

Scorpion Activity and Your Peace of Mind

At Pest Raiders, we believe in proactive pest management. By understanding the active months of scorpions in Las Vegas, we prepare ourselves and our customers for the necessary steps to prevent and treat scorpion infestations.

Reach Out Before They Crawl In

Don’t wait for scorpions to become a problem. If you’re in Las Vegas and concerned about scorpions, reach out to Pest Raiders today. We’re ready to conduct a comprehensive assessment of your home and implement strategies to protect you during the scorpion’s most active months – and beyond.

With Pest Raiders, you can enjoy the warm Las Vegas months with one less worry on your mind. Contact us today to learn more about our scorpion control services and how we can help you keep your home scorpion-free.


Scorpion Problems in Summerlin, Las Vegas

Scorpions are one of the most feared creatures that you can find creeping around your home. They are tough, expert survivalists, and capable of delivering a painful sting if you unsuspectedly get too close. Hiding under rocks and in crevices, scorpions are built to survive the arid conditions like in places like Las Vegas, NV. Scorpions are most active at night as they  seek food in the cover of darkness when the ground is not so hot.

While most scorpions eat other insects, some larger scorpions can even eat rodents and get most of their water needs from their food. Scorpion control in Summerlin, Las Vegas is important to keeping these stinging arachnids out of your home.


Scorpions are incredibly difficult to kill because of their tough exoskeleton, incredible food storage system, and their ability to climb. Not only can they go a year without food, they can also stay submerged in water for up to 48 hours.

Prevention is key to not having scorpions roaming the halls of your home. The best way to keep scorpions out is to eliminate any entry points that may allow the scorpions to get inside while also eradicating any food sources in the home that may be drawing them in. Because scorpions can squeeze through the tiniest cracks, be sure to:

  • Caulk any cracks and holes that may allow scorpions to get inside
  • Make sure the weather stripping around doors is in good condition and stays put
  • Keep piles of mulch, wood, and rocks away from the house
  • Put in grass around the home and keep it trim
  • Do not let shrubs or even trees grow too close to the home
  • Stay on top of pest prevention in your house to keep out bugs that scorpions love to eat

If after these prevention tips are attempted and scorpions still have found a way into your home, calling a scorpion control expert is the next step.


A pest professional will inspect your property for scorpion activity as well as common prey that scorpions  eat. Scorpions sting to defend themselves from threats or when they feel cornered. While a scorpion sting can be very painful, scorpions are not considered dangerous for most people, unless you have an allergic reaction.

Hiring a professional to rid your home of scorpions is by far the best way to eliminate these persistent creatures. With regular inspections and treating your house and yard for these stinging arachnids, you can enjoy your home without the fear of accidentally stepping on a scorpion.

Scorpion solutions in Summerlin

If you are a Summerlin resident and want to make sure you do not have scorpions on your property, give our team at Pest Raiders a call today. We will carefully treat your property so that any scorpion that tries to enter your yard won’t live to tell about it.